ideas - Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2013: Lawrence Krauss & Peter Rollins - New Religions vs. New Atheism
ideas - Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2013: Lawrence Krauss & Peter Rollins - New Religions vs. New Atheism

Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2013: Lawrence Krauss & Peter Rollins - New Religions vs. New Atheism

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  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.837477
  • Views: 191919
  • Duration (length): 59:00
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Discussion and opinion

  • I thought I was a Democrat but I was wrong. Apparently, according to this latest brand of New Religion, I'm actually an anti-republican. - Victorious Yankee
  • By the way Krauss payed a fat lady in the audience to laugh really loud, to help him sound like he's making any sense between all of his stutterings. - Destiny108☆
  • Atheists think that loving your enemies is evil. Which is why they mock us Christians. They truly are vile people by their own admission. - Matt Morris
  • Sorry, have to make another comment on Krauss' shallow stupidity. Instead of Churches we can have "rock concerts". You have really thought this through havent you. Go away, think about what you are actually advoacting for, come up with some legitimate ideas and then test them. it is not good enough to turn up - admit humans need a sense of community, spiritualism, morality, etc and then say "science is great, look at how intelligent I am and how dumb this guy is, oh and if we need to address this legitimate black hole of human desire, lets all have a beer and watch Metallica" Really a poor position from someone whom is advocating for rationalism and reason. Nothing more than indifference, intolerance capitalising upon the general apathy found in the western world to sell a few books. Try and do something positive, something that goes a bit deeper than playground name calling and come up with this "alternative". At least your buddy "Sam Harris" actually verbalises his alternative "Moral objectivity through well being" although granted the idea is ridiculous. - Chris Clayburn
  • I’ve noticed that religions are constantly reinventing themselves to attract more customers…sorry, congregants. Christianity has how many brands these days? Religion is exactly the same thing as stuff like Tide laundry detergent. They are still tinkering with Tide after all these years and they do it for one reason and one reason only: to gain more customers…sorry congregants. - Victorious Yankee
  • Jeeze this guy spouting bullshit is an atheist and doesn't even realize it. - MARSHALL DICKSON
  • peter is essentially talking about cognitive dissonance, just because the human brain experiences something doesn't always mean that experience is valid or correct. this historically is where Christianity and natural philosophy vered away from each other in the 17th century. there is only so much the human can experience that is testable threw the senses we have been born with. the experimental method and scientific method uses tools that are many times less fallible to check our experiences against the reality. our eexexperience tells us the earth doesn't move and that the sun rises and moves in the sky not that we move in the sky. we developed the telescope, a tool that was less falable than ourselves and discovered our sensory experience was flawed. I get that reigion fills a part of peoples lives, I was a irish catholic for 17 years, I wanted to believe it more than anything in the world. I still remember the night I lost my faith and I was broken for months just like a child is upset when he finds out santa isn't real, that doesn't have to mean that Christmas is meaningless without santa and his presents, it just means the reality is different and you find meaning in being with your family, plus you still get presents and your parents aren't lying to you which is surely a good thing.... lol like my tangent? just thought it a good anology - conor smith
  • Damn, you Atheists are so lost. You guys know nothing about the universe. Do you really believe the earth is made out of atoms? HAHAHA! DUMB! - Guitar Sidekick
  • What the hell was this Peter idiot even talking about? His stupid analogies didn't have anything to do with supporting religion. Lawrence might have well just debated a broomstick.  - b24harman
  • The universe has not always existed. It had a start...what caused that? Scientists have no explanation for the sudden explosion of light and matter. - Ed Woodward
  • I'd prefer if there wasn't a moderator, it makes it seem like a debate, but it's not, they are two very interesting intelligent people who aren't in direct opposition but come from different schools of thought and are concerned with different topics and problems, what would be better is if there was no moderator and they just carried a thoughtful conversation. - Samuel Larson
  • I agree that forcing your religious beliefs [especially hellfire and brimstone shit] on children is child abuse, BUT so is forcing your idiotic beliefs that homosexuality is "natural" and "normal" along with the even worse shit that race-mixing is "good," like they do in schools nowadays -- religion can't even hold a candle to that kind of abuse and mindfuck and eventual, coming, physical abuse and STD's, etc. The whole point of procreation is to have children that look like you [in race-mixing they look like your dark partner]. And really what kind of a moron wants a world of brown skinned and dark eyed 'people'? Where's the 'diversity' in that? - The Mind of Sorin
  • Peter Rollins is a great speaker but his analogies are irrelevant. I get it works on those who don't critically analyze what he says, but I unfortunately have the time to do that and none of it supports his cause. - NateTheItalianStallion
  • Holy shit, what the hell is he even talking about? From the moment he opened his mouth absolutely nothing that made even the slightest semblance of sense came out in this whole hour. - Simon Kim
  • The Irish guy is all over the place with all kinds of silly tales and metaphors.... Think of Batman? Gotham city? What the fuck? I guess it makes sense to use fictional characters and nonsense tales to validate fiction and nonsense. - Quagigitymire
  • as an agnostic, i really liked peter rollins in this debate ! - johnle92
  • Dangerous Ideas? what the hell - elvis667
  • Ever notice how the theologians always look prim and proper and the atheists always look like they should be busy doing something else? - Sloth Rox
  • Since this Atheism thingy started on Youtube, everyone is fighting each other with very vulgar and unecessary insults. Before, On Youtube comment section, everyone was happy and complementing and encouraging each other and uniting... and just good and warm stuff like that .... :'( - Destiny108☆
  • Array - Mark Roberts
  • Am I the only one who thinks Peter Rollins is saying nothing? He is contributing nothing to this discussion, he talks of his pop psychology in an extremely fast speed trying to trick us that what he is saying is even relevant. That's why Lawrence has a hard time, his opponent is making no sense!  - Shahar Zach
  • It feels like Peter is putting forward a style of arm-chair good-feeling psychology. - Bloodtoker
  • wow, Peter Rollins you beautiful man - Graeme Tulip
  • The religious guy says alcohol is not a problem but a solution to your problem, and if you don't get rid of it, you can't get over it. But if I said religion is a solution to the fear of death or fear of unrectified injustices throughout the worlds history, I'd automatically be dismissed. - RazaqIshola
  • Can Krauss ever just shut up for once and let the other person make their point! He is notorious for interrupting, so rude. - Han Kim
  • Peter Rollins wrote a new Batman Movie where Batman gives up fighting crime and sets up a new school and then the Joker takes over NYC & takes over Batman's school. The Joker gives the kids textbooks where the Joker is good and Batman is bad. Batman tells the Joker to stop brainwashing the kids and the Joker says, " Yea well, who's going to make me?" Batman looks into the sky and says " God, I hope Superman is still fighting crime."  - ungertron
  • After watching the video for 58 minutes, my view of religion and of science hasn't changed at all. But I now hate Batman. - cheerfulerik
  • wtf is this irish moron talking about? - george hamilton
  • It's obvious that Peter Rollins is having a difficult time recovering from his Irish catholic upbringing. I wish him luck, it doesn't appear that he's making much progress. - Keith Hull
  • Hmpf! The moderator is biased. He is obviously pro religion. It's obvious in his manner, in his attitude with his interaction between the two. He is obviously friendlier to the religious guy, whoever the hell he is. - Butch Catledge
  • Intellectually speaking, Rollins is a risible vacuous windbag who won't deal with the core questions about the validity of the content of religious belief. Instead he will only comment on religious belief in a psychological context as a way of facing the world and thereby saves himself the embarrassment of admitting the unbridgeable disconnect between the content of religious belief and the real world as it is found to be. A complete cop out, although no doubt he will be hailed as a genius by Continental philosophers. - zippidydado
  • Figures. The Irishman's 'new' religion begins with a pint... Ironically, this is also the old religion... - Brad Grady
  • was this a debate or a rambling fest. fuck, I could of heard more sense going to church. - watchingoveru
  • Peter is really funny though, seems like a person i can have a lot of philosophical discussions with, Love them both lol - kiroshima kyoto
  • I feel that Krauss was out shined in this debate due to the bright and charismatic speech given by Rollins. If given more time and done out of the spot light then I think Krauss would probably have been on far more even footing however I think he felt rushed and ended up saying whatever he could instead of a constructive and well thought out response to Rollins' argument. - SerNotSoBraveAlot of the Scared Easily Guild
  • It's debates like this that really make me miss Christoper Hitchens. - meteda1070
  • Bruce Wayne has done all these things you mention Peter. After school programs and getting people jobs and such but I'm guessing you don't research and just are talking about the movies. I'm not saying Batman's perfect but that it was a bad example that he used. - NastyeeTalk
  • This new religion guy is a moron! Krauss not only said rock concerts....he is saying that people shouldn't need religion to come together. Be yourself and come together for other "Real" loves, likes, interests, etc.  - NICHOLAS CLARK
  • "Don't be afraid of being wrong." That's a big ask, it goes against human nature. But I'd take that a step further, don't be afraid of not knowing, not understanding. People tend to be uncomfortable with the unknown, Religion has always been a catch-all for that huge sphere of things man did not understand. we would just label it as "God's work". Over time that sphere has been whittled down to the point where now only the most fundamental of questions remained unexplained by science, and even those are now starting to be answered and religion is being marginalized in many parts of the world. I think Rollins has a point, we need people like him to get from here to where atheists want the human race to go. Ridicule as your only tactic is not the best strategy.. - Lee C
  • Another lazy, indifferent response from another arrogant New atheist. What is going on here!? the person advocating against religion/for science has an argument that never uses evidence and whose intellectual rebuttals go as deep as "scoffing" at his opponent, smirking to get a giggle from the audience (whom feel superior in their collective ridiculing of an argument they fail to address on its base terms). As an agnostic and a scientist , I find Peter Rollins a breath of fresh air and his thoughts are much better constructed than Lawrence Krauss, who was unable to respond directly to Rollins' assertions and philosophy. This more than ever highlights new atheism as a dogma, unwilling to use the same stringent values it is advocating for. Atheism is not a movement or should not be. These guys spend far too much time focusing on extremes of religion to further an intolerant agenda of all religion. - Chris Clayburn
  • Bill Maher said it best, atheism is a religion like abstinence is a sex position  - Alex Silcock
  • lawrence nailed it - Dhiraj kafle
  • Everything Krauss says seems to make complete and utter sense and everything the irish guy says seem to be complete and utter non sense.  - Clinton Eastwood
  • Im sorry but in over 50 debates i have watched PETER ROLLINS is a crack pot he makes no sense at all, i have watched this twice to try and understand what the hell he is talking about and to no avail he actually sounds like there is something wrong with him . and anyone who says he makes sense is clearly insane ! sad to see how many stupid people are still around  - brann73
  • peter rollins talks like a troll trying to derail a conversation... he always disagrees but never really voices his own opinion. - Mycel
  • Some folks apparently have a very hard time accepting the reality that many people just don't feel a need for religion. In a nation that upholds freedom of and from religion, this is a fundamental liberty, and all I can say is, "please try and get over it," because, quite frankly, we don't care that much what you think. That's your business. - David Studhalter
  • Good grief where did they find this psuedo intellectual shonk! Krauss decimated this fool. - Groove Q
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