ideas - What Does the Russian Meteorite Tell Us About Surveillance Culture? | Idea Channel | PBS
ideas - What Does the Russian Meteorite Tell Us About Surveillance Culture? | Idea Channel | PBS

What Does the Russian Meteorite Tell Us About Surveillance Culture? | Idea Channel | PBS

  • Related with: no related information and ideas
  • PBS Idea Channel ideas
  • ideas from Education
  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.9210258
  • Views: 155438
  • Duration (length): 05:50
  • Many interesting information: specially for you.

Discussion and opinion

  • #Watch_Dogs IRL - TernerBot
  • I cringed. - Esteban Hoogma
  • I don't think we should fear a world devoid of privacy, I think we should embrace it, since that would pretty much eradicate most of the world's conflict. I'm not saying we're ready for any instant transition into such a world, I just mean that when it gets here things will likely be a lot better. Imagine instantly having the knowledge of weather or not your partner is cheating on you when it happens? Scratch that, imagine knowing exactly how anyone feels about you at any time whatsoever. We would be able to prevent all conflicts just on the basis that we know who hates us. Not to mention nobody could really do anything remotely illegal or immoral since everyone around them would immediately know exactly who they are and what they've ever done. Furthermore lies would become nothing more than a simple joke seeing that people would always have ready access to the truth. I've only scratched the surface of this concept, but I'm going to stop now because I've completely lost track of my line of thought. - Unhidden Polymath
  • In america oil drives you... xoxoxo And dude you really talk alot... girls talk alot... i`m sorry i called you a dude. Tho I find the lens topic to be really spicy, heads up in the near future. - ЗлатомиР АлександроВ
  • read with a Russian axcent " Americans drink bud-light like pussys can't handle vocha " sorry i had to :D and I probably spelled something wrong my bad. "Oops" - The Guner
  • Did anyone notice the people to tried to throw themselves at the cars?? I couldn't help but laugh!! - justin starks
  • i grew up in london so... meh  - Sophie Talia
  • omg, the government man! they are all ready filming us. THANKS OBAMA! - Liam Butler
  • Did anyone notice that the biggest reaction that someone had to watching a piece of space rock fall from the sky in Russia was "Hm" - nekoalysssama
  • good - frederick Wong
  • Sous-veillance, you could say. - Joshua Killingsworth
  • it would be interesting and scary... - Nicolin Rucker
  • Define badass - Andrew Scolak
  • Lol.. love that you compared Internet to a strip club xD - yugoxgc
  • I spot a Rocky reference. 1:12 - CorysPlanet
  • This was the best video, that I have seen, the idea of which was triggered by that Russian meteor. Well done sir! - Genc Shehu
  • No more cameras - sorsorerofminecraft
  • not 1984 but lets be cautious. - Jakob Morris
  • OMG 1:22 really?!? i could not stop laughing! - LadysavagexXxX
  • while privacy is an issue most footage can be considered uneventful, especially if it is continuous. It becomes like that 1:1 scale map mentioned in an earlier video, except with more cameras than there are people, so the map is actually much larger than the thing it is monitoring. In this instance only one meteorite fell but there were many points of view to filter the situation, meaning several minutes of footage to go through for a ten second event. - James Williston
  • We are in that kind of world now! - Sean Conrad
  • So is it good or bad that the video crashed for me right when he said flowers by Irene - VidMas25
  • I really like your videos. But I don't like the second half of your videos. The first half is awesome with all the info. The second half is kind of QnA which sometimes can get annoying or awkward after you watch the first half. I don't know how many people feels the same as I do. But I think separating QnA section from the real topic video would be a very good idea. - kapilesh14
  • Russian People are badass. Just saying. - Inês Milm
  • Some people in the western world leave this gap, too. - Scry .Dream
  • You know WHY a meteorite hit Russia? Fan Pandering! - TheRashy2
  • I think at this point in time, most of our technology is still under our (the user's) control. But the ubiquity of computers bristling with sensors and always on everywhere internet connections (smartphones) makes open source more important than ever before. With a closed source phone, the manufacturer could just decide to start listening to you whenever they want or watching your every move. And don't even get me started on google glasses (hopefully OSS) - an1m3n00b
  • All this made me want to do was bye a dash cam. - MondayMorningPress
  • Watch dogs. - shiirokuro30
  • I don't mind being watched if the thing watching us is used in the same way as the characters in Person of Interest. - High Jarl Archaden
  • Cameras everywhere FTW - Michael Carreiro
  • I cringed when the snake victim POV video came up. - dimmddr1
  • I'm already there... i'm from London. - docterfantazmo
  • I feel like we already live in a world like that. - Spear Breaker
  • dude did you see the video of the truck full of cows flipping over? LOLZ - Sven Valbruak
  • We need morgan freeman to say a line for us " it has happened before it will happen again " and " i can smell you " - StackedCards99
  • Personally, I think that there is literally no privacy in this world anymore. Seriously, if the government wants, they can tap into every phone, camera, webcam, security camera and photo radar gun they want and spy on whoever they want, whenever they want wherever they are. This is good because its nearly impossible to commit crime and succeed nowadays, but its bad because you cant do anything privately now. - Dawson Fox
  • Im sure i will find out when watchdogs is released - Jalien377
  • I'd put it like this, if you didn't know ANY language whatsoever what do you think the online and offline experience be like? - Nathan Rockwell
  • 4:42 My Lugia knows Surf and Fly - Bxkdkds
  • That means I can watch my bestfriend naked:D - Ninjapi3x
  • Oh shit. People have started playing SBURB. The reckoning is happening. ffffffffuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkk. - wesleymessly
  • 3:20 And not a single fuck was given that day. - Senza32
  • I watched Memento with my friends last night. At one point Leonard says, "Memory can change the shape of a room; it can change the color of a car. And memories can be distorted. They're just an interpretation, they're not a record, and they're irrelevant if you have the facts." For all of human history, humans have always been accountable for their actions, by way of evidence and testimony. Surveillance culture removes testimony and leaves only hard evidence. 100% accountability. - Eliot Cloud
  • I always understood the societal application of Foucault's panopticon simply as everyone feeling like they are constricted in their actions out of fear that there will be negative consequences to deviating from societal norms (Big Brother is watching...and so are your neighbors) so in my eyes, this type of "constant" surveillance is just a standard panopticon in the era of technology. - TisbearA
  • Ray Bradbury's 451 predicts this surveillance culture! As Montag flees the city, citizens are ordered to look outside their windows and collectively watch for a running man. Considering the ending however, will our reliance on surveillance culture have more positives or negatives? - Loren Lee
  • koszulki z nadrukiem.