ideas - Patent attorney's advice on how to protect your brilliant idea
ideas - Patent attorney's advice on how to protect your brilliant idea

Patent attorney's advice on how to protect your brilliant idea

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  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.8834953
  • Views: 27109
  • Duration (length): 03:58
  • Many interesting information: specially for you.

Discussion and opinion

  • One is this how can I protect an idea that can improve company in servicing their customers and I want to lend or sell this idea without a patent. basically how can I protect my idea and pitch this ideas without the company stealing it from me? - myviews
  • Ive been searching all over but cant find the answer. i guess its not possible to patent a way of business. i think its an abstract idea...? but businesses like taxi service. how can u patent such thing? and im not talking about trademarking the business name. and whoever that started the first nude magazine. how can u patent such idea? - T1ger8oi
  • Can I patent an idea without a prototype? My idea is putting 2 already made items together as one.  - GTI Guy
  • Great points but as most of you know in this field of inventions as soon as China realizes the potential of an idea that goes on a Walmart shelf..They will FLOOD the market and that patent isn't worth the paper it's written on.Take the Shrinking hose that some poor slob invented If he got shares of sales he got screwed however if he got a buyout from a Co he must be laughing at every knockoff that's selling the same thing for 1/3 the price and twice the length - norm lor
  • I wish I could find a contact for Randy Shen, He seems honest and intelligent enough to split 50% of my billions with. If your get this message Randy... You, me, and a self perpetuating infinite source of energy involving a plant. This is no joke. - Rhinoxous
  • Can I use the "Patent Pending" clause after filing a Provisional Patent? After filling a provisional patent is it safe, or common practice to field test a prototype with limited public disclosure. - Kyler Andresen
  • vipstorm. Thanks for the tips. - jdstorm2010
  • If your not worried about money then go help the world buddy. You dont need a patent to make and sell something. Making it to market is the key. - SuperBagHanger
  • Basically, just keep the idea to yourself until you're ready to patent it. I also appreciate his point about limiting non-disclosure agreements to one or two years. - David Katz
  • Hi guys !! my question is , what happens if in case after paid for the "Patent Search" and spend some other fee etc, when the result maybe will reject ,we will have refund from lawyer etc? - jeff bercovitch
  • Unless you are rich patents arent worth much more than the paper their printed on. Large companies will steal it anyway because they know you cant sue them. Why arent these pro patent people telling you this? - SuperBagHanger
  • well- you should be doing a search first..Is he talking about non or provisional ? - youngsinfo
  • Where can I consult Randy Shen - ossymx
  • So what would you advice? And really I want to help the world more than I want to make money, I just want my work to be known(this guy made this). - DAn Brock
  • I already have my patent pending status but Ridge refuses to sign mt NDA form! so what can I do??? - elricksta
  • cool - Ganch Gancho
  • thanks man really learnt a'lot - Ganch Gancho
  • mail my idea back to myself patent is that leagal - nfoniiart
  • I've heard that investors won't sign NDA's - is there some other way to protect myself from investors? I have patent pending but I feel that there be some insurance on this - any thoughts? Thanks! - Ted M. McGuire
  • I was told that when you have provisional patent application you are protected, but I don't like how Ridge is acting towards your request. I'd serious entertain passing them by. - leelaw22
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