ideas - How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries - Adam Savage
ideas - How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries - Adam Savage

How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries - Adam Savage

  • Related with: no related information and ideas
  • TED-Ed ideas
  • ideas from Education
  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.9704437
  • Views: 1628715
  • Duration (length): 07:32
  • : specially for you.

Discussion and opinion

  • There's a mistake at 3:30 he probably meant circumference. What a great talk! I wish I was as talented. - ureviews
  • I often say I wish +Neil deGrasse Tyson was my dad, that said, I wish +Adam Savage was my brother, we could be brothers, we got the same look. - Ian Atkinson
  • What a lesson ! Thank you so much +Adam Savage . - François Gaillard
  • I don't know how theists can watch this and say "Nope! Godidit!" - Mischevous Heathen
  • "...they changed the world and so can you." - Teryl Cartwright
  • God created light for example, with characteristics that He wanted: speed, temperature, brightness and so on. People researched it and understood how it works. Jesus creates secrets (our material world) like light, water (can be in gas, solid and liquid states) and others. And humans expected to research those secrets - light, water, gravity, everything that exists. So, God and science are not enemyes, on the contrary God supports the science. - Костя Друг
  • I often say I wish +Neil deGrasse Tyson was my dad, that said, I wish +Adam Savage was my brother, we could be brothers, we got the same look. - Tom Leeds
  • Thainx! - gun Ko
  • Isnt this just ripped off from 'cosmos'? - JandHfilms
  • thank you for subtile :D a belgian viewer - Shymuxx
  • What I don't understand (someone help) in Eratosthenes' story is: 1. The Earth being pretty immense, how is it possible to capture the angle of its circumference on such a small scale? I mean wouldn't it be considered pretty much flat unless you do it by measuring a significant portion in order to actually capture the angle? 2. On the smaller scale the Earth also has valleys, not just plains. Wouldn't it be likely that the ground would be at a slight angle. I mean the earth isn't just a perfectly smooth globe. Obviously not trying to contend anything. Just a boy trying to learn :3 - Vlad Levitt
  • How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries -…: - Rama chandra
  • Such a great speech, this is great inspiration for everyone - pavolon
  • What a lesson ! Thank you so much +Adam Savage . - Henry Scott
  • What separates great minds like Aristotle, Eratosthenes, and Galileo from the average person? They were just a little bit more curious. - Franz Sarmiento
  • He is great in speeches  - Lord Hactivsm
  • Array - Andrew Luetgers
  • +Adam Savage, being lil bit familiar to science I started to love it even more!!! Thank you sir!!! - gmartirosyan
  • :-) - Suhail Saif
  • We are all bags of meat and water :) I love Adam. - Jessica Robinson
  • Spectacular!! - Gideon For-mukwai
  • very inspiring thank you!! - imane hilal
  • So to sum it up. Explain your ideas? Sweet. - swagbaggin
  • be inspired ...  - Kris Galea
  • I hope adam savage will make more speachs - ChristianGamer
  • How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries! - Julie Langston
  • How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries -…: - Carmen E Mejia A
  • Array - Rafael Gregoratto
  • Very interesting and informative.Thanks. - maung thein
  • Adam Savage, always making science an exciting endeavor.  - Outbreak42
  • Array - 陳佳亨
  • That's an important point; reasearching the people who came up with the discovery- the backstory. - mylovofvideo
  • Eratosthenes may be the first person to calculate the earth radius but he was not so accurate as Al Biruni Eratosthenes had an uncertainty of 1% but Al Biruni had 0.6% - Mir Sahib
  • Array - Alfonso Generoso
  • Very interesting. - Azar Aftimos
  • That's boring. You're boring everybody. Quit boring every one! I had to watch this for a school project. Two thumbs down. - Chaz Master
  • Time travel is impossible :P because in the future we don't know when the time machine will be made if all scientist swear to time travel were it all began the time scientist will show up in the same place but Nothing happen even they are working on it 24 hours straight - johnromano deloslado
  • Array - Karsten Moritz
  • This guy is so awesome. - Lorenzo Todd
  • Array - Peith Vergil
  • 123 tontos han visto este video hasta hoy 20/05/2014 123 fools have seen this video until today 05/20/2014 - Jacinto Villarreal
  • we should also thank ted-ed team for the animation to help convey Adam's speech in a more interactive manner, thank you! =D - ImJ
  • Very interesting and informative.Thanks. - maung thein
  • What is new here? This reminds me of a presentation I did in high school. - Stuffe
  • must watch - Sankalp Vashishth
  • You do realise that a huge part of te brain is made for muscle control, right? Also, it could apply to when you look at one specific time, for one particular task. This is only because for different things we have to use different parts of the brain. Other parts of the brain are not set up to do those things. Furthermore, do you really think evolution would have allowed that? - Candoran2
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