ideas - Steps to reach a licensing agreement: Ask The Patent Attorney
ideas - Steps to reach a licensing agreement: Ask The Patent Attorney

Steps to reach a licensing agreement: Ask The Patent Attorney

  • Related with: uslugi/modernizacja-dzwigow">modernizacja dźwigów
  • PatentHome ideas
  • ideas from Education
  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.714286
  • Views: 6228
  • Duration (length): 11:08
  • Many interesting information: specially for you.

Discussion and opinion

  • What about a recipe. How can you get a company to make the food on a large scale ... but without that other company from stealing or slightly adjusting your idea as their own? - MrandMissConverted
  • this didnt mention a single thing about licensing agreement..  - mstyle183
  • Interesting and informative videos...great idea. Suppose you take an existing product tweak it a bit to fit another concept. Can you then approach the company producing the existing item for a licensing agreement? How would one protect themselves with the new product change and market share? Would any type of infringement come into play from tweaking the previous product?  - jerrym
  • How strong is a patent against a copy made in China ? Any chance to win a case ?  - Olga Nosan
  • Is there a maximum amount of patent pendings' one may acquire? Let's say I have 2 ideas I really believe in and I want to do both at the same time but they are not related. There's no 'one at a time' rule or anything for patents? - dankalishious
  • Thank you guys for your time and great advice! I am in the process of filing a provisional patent locally. I appreciate your videos, keep it up! I will spread the word to help your channel grow! Thanks! - Chris Norwood
  • I thought I could not work with you because you are in a different state. Now it seems I can! Does this mean patents are federal? Can I file a patent in California and if will be valid in New York and all other states? - Kevin Blakeley
  • You should put "Episode #1/2/3" numbers on your movies it would make easier to follow them ;-) - Jechanotrix
  • Hi! My name is Carolyn, I have a product I would like to patent. I live in Canada, and I am a Canadian citizen...but I am also a U.S. citizen by birth. My question is: Am I able to work with you since I reside in Canada? - Carolyn Bissonnette
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