ideas - Guess which company now has 100,000 patents
ideas - Guess which company now has 100,000 patents

Guess which company now has 100,000 patents

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  • RT America ideas
  • ideas from News & Politics
  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.836364
  • Views: 4902
  • Duration (length): 03:32
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Discussion and opinion

  • Our corporations are beyond patent-happy, to the point now where companies own hundreds of thousands of patents on very basic ideas to the detriment of humanity's progress. 3M just secured its 100,000th patent; Amazon just patented taking an image of something on a white background; Nike patents hundreds of "inventions" every year; now someone is trying to lay claim to owning podcasting. This MINE MINE MINE mentality of our corporations could spell disaster. The Resident discusses. - RT America
  • Typical of white people.  - izathaqi7
  • you need to fact check the details about the podcast patent. Its not a patent on podcast but rather a delivery method which Apple has paid the rights to use along with some others. There are other delivery methods that can be used so you don't have to pay for a patent. Another BS aspect of this story that is going around is that a company that buys up patents are behind this. This is not true, the original developer still owns the patent.  - optimumperformance
  • And brazilian governement breaks patents on medicines for their people and also ship them to Africa. Big middle finger to corporate globalists. - Gakgaming
  • i would make slow soft ans sweet love to this woman - Sam West
  • lol whats next..!!..Patent all Babys as soon as they are born because they bought the right from some crook to do that..tut tut tut..some mudders do have the..........Lancelot.... - Lancelot Coles
  • A decade or more ago, I would say, jokingly, to people that soon ''they'' would tax us for breathing...Nobody is laughing now. Soon some corporation will patent walking/running/crawling,,,We will, most likely, have to become vegetables...Wait...That has already happened. A population of sheep deserve to be ruled by Wolves... Don't be a sheep...Join The Resistance. Brake a couple of stupid laws/rules/regulations every day, reclaim the planet for you, and your children. Cheers. - NorthWolfe
  • After the dollar collapse there won't be any money or means to enforce patent laws. The Venetians and England learned that long ago.  - Rizky06
  • rt is missing the point, amazon applied for that patent because they have to take millions of photos of their products with that setup, and they here just protecting themselves against any patent troll company that could patent it and ask money for each photo taken. - pew pew laser beams
  • How can they get a patent for that photo thing...? wtf, especially considering so many others were doing it first. The US patent offices are insane. - WatchThisReview
  • Array - GuysCallMeShawna
  • It's also important to know that these patents typically last 14-20 years. It's a money making scam because the people who buy patents usually didn't develop them.  - Brian Mumford
  • Well if they think they can patent the Sun then I imagines they might check in to seeing a shrink. I wonder why they do not patent the Moon or perhaps the oxygen in the atmosphere or the gravity from the Earth. I just know that those who patent all this crap shall not live forever. Perhaps there corps someday can try to patent the dust they shall turn in to after their greedy lifeless body shall thankfully turn in to. - rh1507
  • you don't say, like the Candy Crush CEO Riccardo Zacconi tried to patent the word "Candy" - imagine that! - pigboykool
  • "Intellectual property" is a total sham. - ForrestSCS
  • at least given time all patents expire - Brian O
  • It is kind of ridiculous Lori, even if they dont own all th patent's, and I'm not or never been anti- business or anti- corporation, but what we see today is ridiculous and also makes so much "bland" and a bore, shit is just over- commercialized with too much quantity over quality, and inferior product's at premium prices. They want us to sell everything from our gold to idea's, and buy more of their garbage ... maybe we should sell them back their worthless shit, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {: ) Ranch Chimp Journal - Thomas Pickering
  • The worst part is the people who judge these cases tend to be disconnected from modern living. A bunch of old middle or upper class judges that spend more time with a newspaper or watching their grass grow than using a smartphone or tablet has no business judging patents on that technology. - Faux Mustache
  • I was referring to the Podcast patent that was mentioned. This is not a patent troll as claimed by Adam Carolla who by the way has collected millions of dollars for his "defense" fund. This patent was developed by Personal Audio LLC and the owners of the company developed the patent and their names are on the patent. US Patent #8112504 so you can verify the facts for yourself. I was not commenting on the other cases just the facts surrounding the podcast patent.  - optimumperformance
  • They should patent patent abuse - oldcomic1
  • Yes 3M and it's engineers, chemists, and good thinkers do have good ideas! RT of course has what? Besides no credibility except to spew Russian Propaganda! - Chris Colt
  • I came here to find out which company.... then I fled as fast as I could from that reporter's cartoonish style.. - Bob Lake
  • Thanks for the video and the laughs. - Roger Wittekind
  • Intro too long! - Angelo Bonsignore
  • most owners of theses companies have a link with the nwo leaders - unit0079
  • u think that's amazing? Fed. Reserve has a Patent to print money forever - song kim
  • Excellent! :D - Vincent B
  • None of that's going to stop real innovation.Necessity is the mother of invention.And that's not what all these motherfuckers are about - yousief
  • I recently patented taking a dump in the seated position. Now pay up everybody, or do it standing up. - Captain Haggis
  • I was told that Dupont owns the color red. - Doc Kraus
  • coke head - multipleneurosis
  • It disgust me yet I work for 3M so It makes me feel warm inside - PompeiiMagnus
  • Array - Yuriy Fazylov
  • Thanks for pointing this out .... :) The whole patent thing is absurd, especially on things already in public domain. Greedy, greedy, greedy ... ! One day someone will patent themselves disappearing up their own Equus Africanus Asinus! - hirundine
  • Love of money is the root of all evil. - Robert Elliot
  • Array - hirundine
  • I guess if TPP is enacted, corporate imperialism will have no geographic limit.  - Eric Smith
  • Our corporations are beyond patent-happy, to the point now where companies own hundreds of thousands of patents on very basic ideas to the detriment of humanity's progress. 3M just secured its 100,000th patent; Amazon just patented taking an image of something on a white background; Nike patents hundreds of "inventions" every year; now someone is trying to lay claim to owning podcasting. This MINE MINE MINE mentality of our corporations could spell disaster. The Resident discusses. - Kurt Nielsen
  • Hey! what are all you people doing, I own the patent on posting a comment on a white background. - TheHikingnut
  • This lady has a permanent shit eating grin. - Scalpking47
  • Corporate friendly laws brought to you by the sleazy corporations' campaign contributions. Congress is bought and paid for. - Eric Smith
  • Intellectual Property Rights? First you have to be intellectual.  - Kenneth Surgent
  • so it could be argued that an image on a white back ground ,includes text ? or a computer wed page, that pantent is an absurdity ,shoes that change collor is not , , wish i could get my golf balls warmed ,no lori please be nice they go further, last longer & more comfortable on the pocket the high polished surface dimple surface - OrphanPaper
  • China doesn't seem to recognize patents and it's business is booming. Patents are weighing us down. - Omnia in numeris
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