ideas - Awesome Easy Costume Ideas for Halloween/Theme Parties! [CSC #22]
ideas - Awesome Easy Costume Ideas for Halloween/Theme Parties! [CSC #22]

Awesome Easy Costume Ideas for Halloween/Theme Parties! [CSC #22]

  • Related with: no related information and ideas
  • Chloe Dykstra ideas
  • ideas from Gaming
  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.9625
  • Views: 9255
  • Duration (length): 09:26
  • Many interesting information: specially for you.

Discussion and opinion

  • I'm shooting for a "Macho Cro-Magnon Man" Randy the Savage costume. I'm going to wear my Randy Savage T-shirt, a purple bandanna, my Randy Savage glasses, a loin cloth, some dirt-looking makeup (or just dirt, really), and a giant spear. I need to grow out a wild and bushy beard by October, though. Maybe I'll start now. - Jonathan Niblett
  • han solo, also super easy. - Maxine Liverman
  • 3 words you...are...AWESOME - Dante Giello
  • +Chloe Dykstra as a cosplayer myself i completely agree with you it already takes up so much time making costumes to cosplay as you really don't feel like doing so for halloween love the costume tips & love you on heroes of cosplay id love to cosplay with you sometime maybe even do a group cosplay or something along with holly & jessica who i know you cosplay with as well as hang out with a lot they both seam really cool & fun to hang around with as do you plus im also jealous you hung out with my girl +Yaya Han she is not only the queen of cosplay but also my cosplay idol id love for her to mentor me as a cosplayer so i can be at the level of a cosplayer as she is being the queen of cosplay & as her protege i guess that would make me the princess of cosplay either way it would be such an honor for her to mentor me im such a huge fan of doctor who so i like the idea of doing amy pond or even maybe even rose tyler who's one of my favorite companions - MADDIE COSPLAY
  • i was Rorschach, mums trench coat, mask made of pillow case and black marker pen and safety pins - MrThedonbrando
  • It wouldn't be an homage to the culture necessarily, but that doesn't mean it's bad. You can appreciate the aesthetic beauty and craftsmanship behind sugar skulls without necessarily buying into the symbolism and cultural significance. Plenty of people admire the Sistine Chapel without being Catholic, or even Christian. And if your homage is just to the superficial beauty of the skulls, it's still done with respect, which is what's really important. - cryofpaine
  • Some times I fear that hot glue is my best friend... - dupersuper1938
  • I did this very same thing. I threw on a biker jacket, a K-Bar Knife in sheath, a small satchel, a string backpack, some fingerless gloves, and a GP-5 gas mask and went as a post apocalypse survivor. - 50Calabyte
  • Cosplayers keep the hot glue industry alive - TerrHimself
  • 8:18 is that a "taste the hairspray move?" :) - Dr. Certifiable
  • Hot glue is also your worst enemy. All the burns - FairyofSarcasm
  • You are an amazing , unique , and clever woman ! Stay positive and good things will come to you . I hope the fort is rebuilt soon and it is better then before . I hope you can pay a visit to Chicago in the future . C2E2 is building steam and Wizard World Chicago is always a huge event that would only get bigger if you paid us a visit . Good Luck on Fort Play and any project you do . - Joshua Jocol
  • i went as actual rebel princess leia. wore all black :3 - Victoria Ramirez
  • The entirety of human existence has cultural appropriation issues. Especially here in America. So what? I can only like blues music if I'm black? Or anime if I'm Japanese? Or sugar skulls if I'm Mexican? There's a difference between paying homage to a culture you respect, and going as an insulting stereotype. Even if you just think it looks cool, go for it. - cryofpaine
  • P.S. I was able to throw together a nice 9th Doctor cosplay when I found an old leather jacket and a $6 dollar purple shirt from Old Navy . The slacks , boots , and sonic screwdriver were already in my possession . I got a lot of compliments and won an award for best costume done in a hurry . - Joshua Jocol
  • I love Chloe shes such a free and cool spirit. Wish there were more people like her in the world xxxxx Wonder why she was crying ? :( - Gavin0403
  • I was hipster Ariel! But when she first gets on shore, said I was wrapped in a bed sheet and rope. If anything, as a coslayer I felt like like I was being lazy because it took like a day to make. - squwerty
  • omg I thought you were about to say: " I'm getting ready for my marriage" =) - PandaGore Jr.
  • FEEL BETTER, YOU'RE WONDERFUL! - Katherine Hansen
  • I too had a bad start to my favorite holiday and ended up with puffy eyes. Mine got better with a Chipotle Boorito and Manic Panic. I hope yours did, too! - KatOfDiamonds
  • I hope you are having a great day. Don't cry. You're awesome. Great video. - Traci LeeMarie Bargen
  • Yay hat! - Creature of Habit
  • The sun is warm, the grass is green Chloe ; ) - KineticFetus
  • "Whatever the fuck you want ear" Jajajaja - AlexGhoro
  • Chloe you must come to Emerald City Comic Con! - itsanovercoat
  • American Apparel is good but really overpriced! A thrift shop would work just as fine for someone on a budget. :) - ChelseaSmile13
  • Simple tips for zombie makeup: put blue on your lips and don't wear blush. - MinaZubia
  • Zombie Chloe Dykstra? - Jason Reisz
  • That's a confusing number of best friends. Still, there was an important lesson: no hot gluing black cats to broom sticks. It won't work. Use a staple gun (please don't.. leave your pets out of it). - TheTrienco
  • Vlogging *while* doing your makeup. If i tried that i'd fucking blind myself. feel better, yo. <3 - Vsirin
  • <3 - thejessta
  • Decorated hot glue gun, marry me? be don't tell Chris or my wife... - sixfiveotwo
  • Does Zombie Paula Dean eats buttery flesh? - vfortune1
  • what is the cultural appropriation issue with sugar skulls? i honestly don't know ^^ if a girl from Argentina wore a (Zombie) Santa Claus costume for Halloween, would it bother anyone? Or what is the issue exactly? - Dajara
  • Damn son - Abba Okoro
  • She's so awesome :) very pretty as well. - Jordan Silva
  • Dressing for the kids, awesome. also we are olds. /hugs - sixfiveotwo
  • I like your tiny hat. =) My dog managed to eat the yarn beard I put together for my UConn Cornelius costume, so I had to come up with one on the fly at work. - Glenn Dallas
  • 1st comment - Christopher Rouse
  • Dat tiny hat - Kam new Lebron
  • We have a lot of Bestfriends - Jos Spencer
  • There's not enough multi-tasking in YouTube videos. And no...I'm not kidding. - alan home
  • Damn you guys posting long as comments. No one gives a shit, stfu. - francis m
  • No kidding! Any creative person is drawing on things that influenced them during their life. But it isn't about liking things from other cultures, it's about how you *use* them. Enjoy music from a person of a different race, but don't try to change your skin color for a "costume" of them, you know? Wearing religious garb for Halloween because it looks cool doesn't feel the same as an "homage" somehow. There's a lot of wobbly lines, but I'd rather start from a place of respecting others. - Jade Gordon
  • Gist of it seems religious holiday & for people celebrating it as part of their faith & ethnicity, depending, it can feel like people using them for a lark. Santa has SO many variations, can be hard to figure out. Initially it was confusing to me because they feel similarly commercial how they've been portrayed. I'm part Souix & a friend wore an "Indian" costume today, but like, 'cuz of what happened to that part of my family, I grew up not knowing about the culture or garb. His joke, my life. - Jade Gordon
  • Chloe looks very good, nice face, nice body, nice eyes. Not only that but a great and fun personality too. It is all good except one thing... Her singing is the fucking worst, probably the worst singing voice in the universe. - TrorInte
  • Sugar Skulls/Dia De Los Muertos stuff has the cultural appropriation issue. I've been trying to think of how to embellish/be creative/distinctive & invigorate the skull/skeleton concept without going down that path. So far fancy filigree, or mash-ups with art genres or characters, or maybe cyberpunk/robot with circuitry & lights. I just feel like I'm missing avenues I could take with the idea. I know nothing is new under the sun, but I want to at least feel like I'm trying something new! Ideas? - Jade Gordon
  • folia stretch lublin.