ideas - After School Snack Ideas! (Healthy Options!)
ideas - After School Snack Ideas! (Healthy Options!)

After School Snack Ideas! (Healthy Options!)

  • Related with: no related information and ideas
  • MakeupbyMandy24 ideas
  • ideas from People & Blogs
  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.956511
  • Views: 743085
  • Duration (length): 07:58
  • : specially for you.

Discussion and opinion

  • Your eyeshadow looks v bad in the intro and conclusion tbh - VogueBeauty2
  • OMG is she wearing a Cartier love bracelet? 😍 😠 - txell98
  • When does school end in the USA???My school ends at 2 o'clock in the afternoon..😊Just asking not hating - Marianna's Style
  • Anyone know if she has acrylic nails? And what type of shape are they called? - Anna Scott
  • Omg Bethany Mota inspired her snack idea vid from u! :D the apple sandwiches one.  - Claire Choi
  • When are beauty gurus ever practical?😂😫 - Adrienne Sharp
  • Guys pause at 8:21!! (x - tomlinzombie
  • I really don't want to be mean because she obviously put a lot of effort into this but let's be honest, most of that stuff is not healthy at all, and do all americans actually eat so much junk food and peanut butter ? I have hardly ever seen someone eating peanut butter where I live ^^  - magda styles
  • Hey guys, here's an alternative for an actual healthy and quick after school snack: an apple Yeah, it's quick, healthy and gives you lots of energy for homework.. - Victoria Latino
  • And here I am eating chips xD - Kaylee Pilon
  • don't you have lunch once you're back from school? or dinner? - Komalah Smr
  • am I the only one that comes home, grabs some form of junk food, then goes to my bed? - Emilyy Peyton
  • Can't wait to come home from a long day of school and make a bunch of mini sandwiches on sticks to enjoy by my lonesome. Seriously just take a piece of bread, put something on it, and shove it in your mouth. Boom. After school snack. - Bella Belle
  • OMG! You look like Ashley Tisdale! :O - Merry Nezrin
  • WAS ANYONE ELSE JUST IN LOVE WITH HER FULL LOOKXD! Her makeup was beautiful! I loved her hair and her outfit too! - Avery Rose
  • so cute, what song is it in the beginning? - Childrenofworld2014
  • Hey Mandz. I think when you wear light blue it really makes you eyes pop. omg ur gorge tho - Tessa Styles
  • What's with all the hate?!? She took the time to make it for you guys and you're being mean. Plus it's a free country so who cares if she wears makeup, I think it looks great!! - Olivia Riddle
  • Is that hair? @7:24? - Baby Elsa
  • Wow !! You look so gorgeous.. - iseul100
  • Would Anybody Like To Be YouTube Friends :) I Love To Dance 💃 - anna cervenakova
  • Ok I don't wana sound stupid but I always watch these videos to get in the "spirit" of back 2 school but I end up doing none of these....😂 - Sheela Deewana
  • you remind me so much of meggie (idk if i pronounced it right) from the walking dead! idk why  - Victoria Proyer
  • Great video gurl, what song is it in the beginning ?👌 - xbrivforeverx
  • I honestly liked this so much, every person always has the same recipes. I felt like Amanda went outside the box, and yes I will be trying this (: - Lauren Sydney
  • I'm so fat😔😔😔😔 anyone have any tips on how to loose weight super quick?? - One direction perfection
  • Unfortunately, mayo is not healthy.. But okay. - Maycee Inthavisak
  • why do you guys have to be such assholes? she worked hard on making a video for you guys. yes you can just grab a bag of chips and go sit in your room and eat, the whole point of these was that theyre a little bit healthier than what you probably normally eat. even if she used things like chocolate and mayo its proably bc she knows alot of her subs dont care enough about being healthy and want something that tates good and they were cute ideas. lighten up. - Summer Blaze
  • Bethany copied her with the apple sandwiches...... - Quinn Kavanaugh
  • dude bethany mota legit copied your idea with the apple sandwhiches tf - merp derp
  • What Song Is? - Danna Marin.
  • Amanda, Bethany copied you...... - Emily Yeung
  • bethanys new video has the same exact apple sandwich snack and i guess she copied your idea. the only thing she changed was almond butter instead of peanutbutter - Beautifulme1498
  • I really like her hair in this vid whatd she do to it?? - Ferrets Vallone
  • When i get home I eat a little bit of every junk food I own but just enough so no one notices.  - makmakeup07
  • Lol, she's like a failed mix between Bethany & Meredith  - Leigh Nash
  • You copy cat. You just copy every single video that Maddi does. Eventually, Maddi will get back on track. She's way prettier than you! - rosabella207
  • these aren't healthy, just a healthy alternative to like a bag of chips or chocolate haha.  - Elisa Vu
  • im sorry but these are so un necessary and more work then they need to be.. you could just cut the apple into slices like a normal person and dip them in peanut butter and exclude the toppings because that just makes it unhealthy, and you could make a simple sandwich (and wrap instead of cutting it up) instead of wasting crust and skewers? so extra my goodness - Amber Suppa
  • Make more cooking/baking diy vids pls :)?💕💕💕 - J Tran
  • Oh my gosh I was glad to see you use REAL peanut butter instead of that fake pb2 crap. Do those people know that pb2 isn't healthier, they take out the GOOD fats in peanut butter that your body actually wants. - TooFacedBaby05
  • peanut butter and chocolate isn't healthy, just saying  - Elise Bieber
  • she's got a bracelet worth more that $5000. wow, she must be rich - Alysha Dewi
  • Your only 15??? Wow. U look older - ThreeTalkingGirls
  • not hating but just pointing out that this isnt very healthy. It might be healthier than junk food but healthy things are not defined by comparison. If it is unhealthly, it is unhealthy. You do not call something unhealthy healthy just because it is healthier than something else. granted the apples might taste more appealing to you with peanut butter and chocolate chips (i like mine with chocolate chips and some brown sugar:>) but it's certainly a lot healthier without it. plus, why not enjoy the natural flavour of the fruit? ps if you're one who does not like fruits by itself but you like icecream you can freeze bananas and mangoes etc (wont work for all fruits) and they taste really good. you can also do a fruit blend but the heat does denatures the enzymes (hence the ice) but you lose some nutrition. anyway i've gone slightly off topic but yeah the food in here is not healthy. anyway good job amanda you did put in effort into this video! oh please learn how to use the knife correctly you should curl your fingers to prevent them from getting cut! its a lot safer! ask you parent or something. (this is my own 2 cents you might have a diff opinion but this is mine so not hate pls) - bloopbloopstarshine
  • What's the name of the song in the background does anyone know? - Sofia Xavier Canas
  • do you think you can take the apple and pb sandwich to school? will the apples get mushy/brown? - Lauren k
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