ideas - Christopher Hitchens at the "Festival of Dangerous Ideas" FODI
ideas - Christopher Hitchens at the "Festival of Dangerous Ideas" FODI

Christopher Hitchens at the "Festival of Dangerous Ideas" FODI

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  • ChristopherHitchslap ideas
  • ideas from Nonprofits & Activism
  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.922961
  • Views: 323316
  • Duration (length): 43:51
  • Many interesting information: specially for you.

Discussion and opinion

  • I loved Hitchens but I really lost patience with his "Andromeda galaxy collision" routine. He made it sound like two trucks were going to collide. It's more like two vast swarms of bees in which there are hundreds and hundreds of miles between every single bee. The odds of any two bees actually colliding, rather than merely influencing each other's courses, is astronomincally low... literally. Anyone alive then is hardly going to regard it as a catastrophe, or even be aware it's happening if they're insufficiently versed in science. - PatchesRips
  • Is there a "Hitchens" today?Clever,provocative and funny - suffern63
  • At 17min 37sec of the broadcast Hitch states that Hubble's expansion proves Newton wrong. It isn't Newton who is proven wrong it is Einstein's static universe that Hubble's findings over turn. Furthermore Hubble's expansion corroborates a Catholic prelate's finding of an expanding universe and his name is George Lemaitre. Sorry Hitch. - ronald brignoni
  • And at the end his own ideas were becoming more and more dangerous and not so clever at all... - bandwagon22
  • Is there a higher resolution version of this?  - Jonofwrath
  • Can anyone recommend a book from Hitch other than God/not great, Mortality and Hitch 22 (already read). I was next considering "Letters/Contrarian" or "Arguably". I also would like to get something of his early works so that is specifically why I'm asking. Thanks  - PlntPeace
  • My hero. Long live the HITCH!  - skip KEG
  • Our Junior High School voted for the greatest Americans ever, here are the results: 1) Jackey Robinson 2) Simon Weisenthal 3) Abraham Lincoln 4) Annie Frank 5) Jack Dawson of the Titanic - Horace Ball
  • The argument about Dr King's Christianity is highly flawed. Mr King *did not introduce Christianity to the United States!* The slave owners of the antebellum South used the Bible to justify their ownership of slaves. Slavery is Biblical, and *not* just in the "Old Testament", it's in the New as well, along with many other immoral teachings. And I quote: "Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor. Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God." 1st Peter 2:17-19 New International Version. Similar verses are found in Colossians and Ephesians. Most of the people in opposition to the US civil rights movement considered themselves and were considered by their contemporaries, to be Christians. So how, then, did Christianity inspire Dr King? Or could it be that, like so many others before and after him, he used the prevailing religion of his day to underpin his cause and legitimise his teachings? The so called "Beatitudes" say that poverty, far from being a curse, is a blessing from god and that you should do good to those that do evil to you, i.e. that you should accept oppression and tyranny. - colourmegone
  • Dangerous ideas? Karl Marx have one, that killed more innocent people in our lifetime than all religions in all of human history. Could be as much as 100 million in China and Soviet union alone. - Edward Dongres
  • Love listening to the hitch. Though there's one opportunity I think he missed in this, when questioned about the inherent good in religion in regards to the couple who ran the food shelter in Australia. Who's to say they aren't inherently good and benevolent in their core and that even without faith they would have been just as charitable? To say that someone was only charitable because of their religion is a slur against their very human nature. I certainly know many atheists who are charitable, I donate to three charities every single year without the support of faith, I just don't have the backing of a church or the funding associated with it to do so on a larger scale. - Graham Lamb
  • "Religion Poisons Everything" - Mark Roberts
  • Marriage min is 11. Well that's progress of a kind, but note:the age of high risk pregnancy is women over 35 and teenagers below 18. - Valkyrie Sardo
  • 22:04 the famous Hitchens folded arms - Brett Robbins
  •  - Carmen Gonzalez
  • You listen to hitchens once, you've heard everything he ever had to say............ - 2tuque2
  • Intelligence is specialized. We can see very clear examples in extreme cases like Bobby Fischer. But we all have it to a degree -- we're better at some things than others -- including people we'd call "geniuses" (or even the rare individuals known as "polymaths"). It's unreasonable to expect a scientist, or a mathematician, or an author, etc... to be perfectly knowledgable in every field, or completely immune to fear and superstition. As Hitch would've said, we're primates. So, it shouldn't be so surprising to us that experts in certain fields fail miserably in others. You may write persuasive prose, or beautiful symphonies, or solve mind-bending equations, or engineer wonders of design, but that doesn't mean you're comfortable with the random nature of your finite existence.  - Dieuaimebeethoven
  • 22:00 The point he is trying to make here has an answer from Islam's perspective, that every tribe or group of people had a messenger to inform them about god, and there are 1000s of messengers through out humanity. PLEASE NOTE: Im a skeptical muslim myself and not trying to defend anything, and definitely wont be dragged to a religious flame war, if you have something intelligent to say go ahead. - Voids
  • Don't believe anything now, but did almost all my life. I liked Hitches in either state. Wish he was still around. - Jason Wright
  • I SO much liked his closing oncore. I'd like to learn it, and probably will, by playing that part over and over. Best part of this talk I recon. - Khang Fre Y
  • It's now time to evolve consciously, life knowing life is the way ~~► go to TruthContest◙com and read "The Present". - Fiona Mia
  • once more, budhism is no religion! - robsteries
  • Guys! respect every religion that don't tell a single lie! Oh--- well fuck.. there goes atleast 99% of all religions, but im beting on 100% - Jerónimo Villarreal
  • My favourite atheist and the man who helped me dispel my many doubts about the pointless idiocy and the stupidity inherent in the supernatural hocus pocus that is religion. - The Duchess of Muanenguba
  • It wasn't Christianity that helped MLK, it was Bayard Rustin, a gay socialist, who convinced MLK to implement nonviolent tactics Bayard learned from Gandhi, a Hindu, who developed his philosophy and social activism from Jainism - LightMatter2525
  • Who cares whether God exists -- SWEET REASON!!! A functioning mind! Assuming God, God bless this man's soul (assuming souls). - noah gentry
  • Array - skip KEG
  • “Our creator, van Wezel?” Only the mentally diminished and compromised need to be led by a dictatorial overlord, subscribe to biblical fantasy, an imaginary afterlife, exist as slave under the fear of eternal punishment, and ultimately segregated from the rest of their own species. Humans gravitate to religion because they’re frightened by their own ineptness, lack intellectual acuteness, and unable to come to terms with their innate fear of death. Religion, and the parties of god, robs its subscribers of self determination, becoming self-reliant, intellectually resolved and advanced human beings—free of religion, its childish and fallacious narrative.  - Donnie SonOfTheDon
  • :)  - Mark Wright
  • Hitchens hasn't tried to persuade me to being an unbeliever. I was an unbeliever due to studying religion and was happy to find someone who agreed with my findings. - Pat Rudine
  • This video is worth a very careful listen. The late Christopher Hitchens was a thoughtful and fiercely honest debater who will not soon be forgotten. - TheFolksinger
  • 1:41:29 Christopher: "Are you going to show this? Am I covered in sweat?" - Andi Levicky
  • Until Hitchens, I felt alone in a crowd. Though he phrases his views more elegant than I could ever hope, his opinions mirror mine to a "T". So glad I stumbled on to him. Though he's gone, I no longer feel alone. - Kevin Craighead
  • He is an amazing linguist. I really enjoyed this lecture. If only more atheists were like him. - Orceloi
  • Ignore Shamnon M's comment, it's nonsensical and wrong. I would reply to him/her but there is no reply button under the comment for me to click. "Alternative hypotheses and explanations for redshift such as tired light are not generally considered plausible. Burbidge and Halton Arp, while investigating the mystery of the nature of quasars, tried to develop alternative redshift mechanisms, and very few of their fellow scientists acknowledged let alone accepted their work." - Wikipedia on redshift. Only took me 5 seconds to find an argument against him. Redshift occurs when light wavelengths are longer due to the object emitting the light moving away from the observer. So yes, it is related to movement. - Tom Freeman
  • we need someone with his character…… even though I don't totally agree…… why cant god be an emotion?……. like love, intangible, but real …… connecting us to each other, our land, earth and the universe…… god is just a another human need, ridiculous, but……..  - Boof Timex
  • Everyone seems to have belief. Even Hitchens :) - Edward Dongres
  • Feth i miss Hitch. - Spider Pope
  • Array - Alexander Pedersen
  • 5:35-5:37 I've never heard Hitch go falsetto before, twas dope)) - Ryan Ewy
  • My wife asked me what I want for Christmas in 2013 I said I'd like several Christopher Hitchens books. " For Christmas" ? she asked. I said " and can I also have the God delusion by Richard Dawkins"?  - WildPhotoShooter
  • Can anyone please spell out for me the author that Hitchens mentions at the start o the talk? An australian author - sounds like required reading :) - Kirk Bushell
  • He not dead yet - anglosaxonbreed
  • "The attempt to live without illusions." Nachtrag: "That's why I favour compulsory religious instruction in schools. I know of no other way to guarantee the steady mass production of atheism." - Jörn Loviscach
  • Religion gets its morality from us when It's not preaching death and hell for the nonbeliever. All the people that believe every word of the Bible or Koran know very well that a modern science education will make children reconsider the word faith. Religion forces otherwise honest people to lie about reality and to be sure of what they do not know. - Joseph Nordenbrock
  • Science = "God does not appear to exist" Religion = "SHUT THE FUCK UP"! Religion is nonsense.  - sweetshaman
  • Does Hitchens really believe God is "one being among many".Is he that stupid that he does not realize our creator is a Divine Power - not a "person".Oh grow up and smell the roses Christopher - Raymond van Wezel
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