ideas - GTA 5 Online: New! "GTA 5 DLC" Ideas - "GTA 5 Heist" - Cheaper Cars, Rank up Fast - "GTA 5 News"
ideas - GTA 5 Online: New! "GTA 5 DLC" Ideas - "GTA 5 Heist" - Cheaper Cars, Rank up Fast - "GTA 5 News"

GTA 5 Online: New! "GTA 5 DLC" Ideas - "GTA 5 Heist" - Cheaper Cars, Rank up Fast - "GTA 5 News"

  • Related with: no related information and ideas
  • LispyJimmy ideas
  • ideas from Gaming
  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.566287
  • Views: 36834
  • Duration (length): 06:58
  • : specially for you.

Discussion and opinion

  • Leave a Like if you Want me to Do a Open lobby Livestream :) - LispyJimmy
  • The adder sucks regardless but it's expensive in real life so they are trying to make it realistic. The people who are a high rank deserve to have those guns compared to a person jut starting off wtf - SurvivingToday
  • First person camera mode and juggernaut armor - DeltaForce GM03
  • Lispy made a complaint video about modded lobbies and look at his money smh - Mason Samson
  • Has everyone forgot about the stock market? Lol - robert ayling
  • I'd like the pagasi zonda r - Oh Pyross
  • you are always going on about hacks and mods how there ruining the game and look at your money its modded you idiot  - LUKE O
  • Your damn intro gave me a migraine :(  - TheRedTigerWithaEye
  • If rockstar didn't have to spend all there time patching glitches that dumbasses that don't want to earn the adder use, then maybe they would get dlc out sooner? I mean stop bitching about how they don't come out with heists if your looking for glitches... - Alberta Rockies
  • intro song???? please - Ale Garcia
  • I think they should add liberty city and a way to get their - AirTanner23
  • i think when the heists come out people will love them... 3 weeks later people will complain and ask for more. - RVD3002
  • There should have been tons of features that were expected!!! to be added in gta online, instead we get shops ALLOT of em', ATMs are you kidding me? Who needs that like seriously? Rockstar are giving the impression that resembles activision I mean how they treat the community (in their ass)... I know that they're busy working on dlc (maybe) but time will tell about that. I'm pissed cus I know that this game got potential but rockstar can't get a grip to it.  - Zavzava
  • Weapons shouldn't get better. No. No way! Tanks should get patched so no now players get disabled playing. It also should be fixed that you take "car damage" in passiv mode - Luca Zimmer
  • They should add Politics/Elections. Which should have impact on the Online Game. They should add more Underwater content, Stock Market in GTA online, New Kinds of Missions, more Appartments, costumizeable appartments, casinos, Pets (Dogs, Tiger,...), Bioweapons?,...  - MrBestofgoon
  • Just got to level fifteen yesterday and I went into some ones house and they gave me 54 million Will I get banned for having that much and love your vids thanks - Joshua Haeusler
  • God this guy is adder for $500000. - SuperKillerman101
  • I think for online animals should be added such as bears mountain lions dogs birds sharks etc and when u hunt these animals u get exp and hunting lvls and what u kill gets put in your truck which u go and sell to some guy who collects that stuff also I think that business For interest should be added and finally u should be able to own a house but also a garage also that's what I think.any way dude your videos rock keep it up - BLOODBRUZERZ98
  • They should add a month mm of rp in races last man standing all of the game modes - Cormac O'Connor
  • Get cars and do them up  - The Supertube
  • Keep prices high, but make more money in missions and races. and heists. Add cars and upgrades, to increase top speed - Ryan Lambert
  • Hello Lispy Jimmy! I'm a designer here at Rock Star and im here just to let you know we are creating new weapons and these weapons are supposed to fill up all the slots at the gun stores of Los Santos.we still can't tell you when these weapons are coming out, but there are 4 packs of weapons containing different weapons such as the Taser - Dale Delcher
  • i agree! - James Blanche
  • You should be able to be a police officer and pull people over and stuff like that - Wuhts
  • Your just a hater, rockstar is trying their best, but with all the moders they cant really get it out any earlier because they have to deal with them, and all you do is complain yet you have a large amount of money and have a lot of guns. This is not a dlc video this is a rant! - Desire Zyle
  • +lispyjimmy how fun is it when everybody in the server riding around in cool cars that only cost like 250k just because people says it's too expensive? I mean how much does a adder cost in reality? - HomeOfGames
  • And sell drugs in the game - Jamil Thompson
  • *LispyJimmy!* - Ihasit
  • Play golf, it gives 2020- 2000 xp 1-2 players, 3-4 players i don't know. But 1-2 is 2000-2020k RP Points! And it's not glitching. it's actually a fun way to get RP Points - Gaming Adventures
  • I would love ot make that if you steal a Banshee or a cool car on the streets it should not say like "you can't put this vehicle in your garage." and got like someone had put a tracker on and it said "this vehicle has a tracker on, so you can not put this vehicle into your garage" - MrJexTG
  • Other than that awesome tips  - AWWIS 101
  • They should keep car prices the same,add a lot more cars to the game, and give you more money and rp for missions. - Peyton Cruiser
  • i agree - Jonathan Almonte
  • the way I ranked up was slipstreaming by racing - zebbidy glover
  • I got one thing... Gun Creator, they should make a gun creator where you create your own dream gun with specific prices for each part - Yatin Gulati
  • the prices are fine with cars adds a more realistic price on them - slayer sky
  • I don't agree cause it would be fair for the ones work hard to rank up and get the money for those guns and cars - Gustavo Almanza
  • Pets is what gta online need  - Rami Abd
  • FIRST PERSON - Bailey Gire
  • YOU CAN KEEP A STOLEN CAR!!!! Take it to los santos customs and buy loss/theif protection. - Sgt. Grammar
  • I agree with you . - Susana Peralta
  • It would be amazing if they added more car mods like freaking nitrous!  - Kevin Melendez
  • Car mods should be cheaper. Where is the world does one past 7500 for xenon lights? Also if you purchase an item for a car you shouldn't have to repay to switch back to it  - sza3434
  • What i woumd like in gta : - flight ti N Yankton, more tire smoke, the idea of having a list of challenges like get 100 road kills and you get a reward like a car or outfit, tha ability to pitchase yhe mansions and customise the house/appartments but hey its R* dought they will add anything like this or even lower prices. - GravityBallGaming
  • If you where not such a horrible player you wouldnt need glitches or complain that its too hard to rank up. Stop complaining about what you have. - UkraineTrain25
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