ideas - Richard Feynman - Patents
ideas - Richard Feynman - Patents

Richard Feynman - Patents

  • Related with: no related information and ideas
  • Muon Ray ideas
  • ideas from Science & Technology
  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.9890413
  • Views: 25495
  • Duration (length): 06:55
  • ile kosztuje treść: specially for you.

Discussion and opinion

  • He was a genius but he could have been more of a genius if he realized the full spectrum of what he could do with his understanding of science applied to development of inventions. - Red Ace
  • "the submarine has already been taken…" so funny - dubhad
  • Where's my dollar? lmao....I love it. - joe jones
  • hahha when I was 10 I drew a Hydorgen power car, tha was 28 years ago, hahahah I should patented the Hydrogen run car, :(  - Frias Juan
  • Richard Feynman's take on his patents: Richard Feynman - Patents His story just gets funnier and funnier as it goes along! - B Neff
  • Array - Ignacio Pisso
  • Richard Feynman talks about some of his unusual patents and how they came into being through some of his own ideas for possible.nuclear powered vehicles, which he brainstormed during his time working on the atomic bomb in The Manhattan Project. Feynman himself had no idea they would patent these ideas and only found out about it when he was offered a job of being the head of a research team to develop a nuclear powered aircraft. Feynman did not accept this job, as he was a theoretical physicist and aircraft engineering was of no interest to him. For legal reasons, a dollar was to be exchanged for the patent papers. Since Feynman received no dollar, he went to the patent office to get his dollar and used it to buy sweets as a joke to the bureaucratic and anal nature of patent law and the goons who enforce it. - Muon Ray
  • "one time in the office I just mentioned all these obvious things" - that tells you all you need to know about the wonderful world of patents - dubhad
  • Not interested in the money he just wanted to be a professor: genius status! What an incredible person. - mrmariomantube
  • Thanks a bunch for uploading. It sounds even more funny on tape than in the book. Simply straight and honest. - hy phen
  • "Intellectual Property" - what a contradiction in terms. - PropaneWP
  • Coffee all over my keyboard. XD - rhov233
  • I believe that patents and other methods of restricting science and culture at this moment represent a detrimental and polarizing factor that threaten our evolution and well-being as a species. Property is not an end-all fundamental and has to take the back seat when the aforementioned values are significantly threatened or hampered. Ideally, all information should be free. - PropaneWP
  • I largely agree with you, but I don't think an idealized system like that will work today. Money is the object that hinders our civilization. I'm an Electrical Engineering student who works also to pay bills, and all of the information I am learning costs money. I could piece it all together myself from the internet, but it would take a lifetime. If we think just about the books I buy, If people didn't get paid for those books, what reason would the writers have to have them compiled/published? - Justin Hall
  • Not if you are the first person to come up with the idea. - Nautilus1972
  • lol laugehd so much :D - spannungsquelle stromquelle
  • They are from Ralph Leighton's recordings of conversations between him and Richard Feynman. - Muon Ray
  • Thanks. - Rhymenoceros
  • Where's this from? - raydredX
  • I have an answer, property is a societal concept and reality. Intellect is an innate part of us. They don't mix well. That's probably not what the other guy meant, but there we go - willzer808
  • $1...This guys nutty! - Mulla Nasrudin
  • You muon, YOU, are fucking AWESOME. - Kevin Gallagher
  • There are other incentives besides monetary gain. But yes, I agree that capitalism has its definite benefits. The problem however, is that unlimited or even poorly tended capitalism always tend toward devastating side effects, such as corruption, speculation, exploitation, invalidation of democratic principles, etc. snowballing. I.e. - because of the inherent temptations of capitalism, it ultimately is a destructive force if not controlled properly. There needs to be a counter-balance. - PropaneWP
  • Someday I hope Mr. Leighton decides to release all of Feynman's audio recordings :( - atomicmurp1
  • Why? Information is organized matter, if you can own an object, then you should be able to own information also. An idea is a structure, if you build something from materials that you own, you should own that structure. When you own a structure, you get to choose who can use it. How is intellectual property contradictory at all? Intellectual: Product of the faculty of thought. Property: That which belongs exclusively to one or more specified entities. - Justin Hall
  • Didn't they release a bunch to the BBC? I forget. - Kevin Gallagher
  • As good a case against intellectual property as ive ever heard. The notion of owning an idea is nonsense. - PrivateAckbar
  • Not if you're a capitalist. If you're a professor, sure, you want everyone to know how your ideas and inventions work, and you want them to be free for anyone to produce, but if you are a capitalist without the ability to patent or copyright your works, then you'll be pretty angry when wealthy companies make all the money from your hard work while you live in poverty. In fact, without a chance to capitalize from your ideas, there's not much reason to share any of them with the world, is there? - Justin Hall
  • Now for the more important question. Where can we find more of this? We want MOAR! - Domen Furar
  • Array - Parmod Kumar
  • Array - Man Dala
  • XD - Michael Mittner
  • Richard Feynman's take on his patents: Richard Feynman - Patents His story just gets funnier and funnier as it goes along! - Dave Taht
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