ideas - Vladimir Pozner at Ideas For Tomorrow
ideas - Vladimir Pozner at Ideas For Tomorrow

Vladimir Pozner at Ideas For Tomorrow

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  • Cleveland Clinic ideas
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  • Opinion and rank of ideas: 4.8722687
  • Views: 55919
  • Duration (length): 03:01
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Discussion and opinion

  • Такое впечатление что Познер прячется за очками, пытаясь завуалировать свою неискренность.  - Gigagamer74
  • John Adams was not the first ambassador to Russia. His son was, John Quincy Adams, and he was not the fourth President of the United States, he was the sixth. - Bil Carter
  • Well. I'm very interested in Vladimir Pozner. i know him as a great journalist, but i'm totally disappointed of his views about Russia, he doesn't understand us, he isn't russian, although he speaks russian like me, fluently and withouht any accent. Как я уже сказал, Владимир Познер - не русский человек и это чувствуется, но он талантливый журналист, который очень хорошо знает свое дело. - Joseph Knecht
  • Russians should be more than greatful to have such a bright minded philosoph as Mr. Vladimir Pozner !!! - Chris Marchian
  • В России у нас два ВВП, в историю войдет Путин, а вот помнить будут Познера...И уж точно ангелы споют в его честь! - Irina Lesnikova
  • Americans pls, dont bring us your democracy! - Vladimir Smirnoff
  • Brilliant speech! This is what i think American people needed, and are ready to hear. - Ivan Gorshkov
  • "His father was a Soviet spy" - what's this bullshit? Didn't this guy read "Parting with Illusions"?? - Yevgeny Yurovitsky
  • 'Don't get me wrong but I don't get why Russians love him so much? It is because of his English? Or because of his "desire"?' He is not that likeable in Russia. Some of the stuff he says is an absolute judgemental BS. - Victor Katilis
  • Lots of people emigrated? You mean like the Refusniks who put in prisons or made homeless for decades for even asking? That's a pretty wild spin on it. - xgeneric99
  • USA, don't believe in this two-faced jew Pozner. Russia is the greatest threat. It is going to conquer all its former members of USSR. China doesn't start wars, but Russia does - mappingtheshit
  • I think one of the wisest comments he made was on the threat of China and its future aspirations for dominance - first of the entire Asian region. In addition, enabled as it has been by the disastrous U.S. immigration policy set in stone in 1965, China is well on the way towards permeating and transforming the demographic landscape of America so that, when the time comes and we wake up to what is happening to this country, the battle will already be won...if it hasn't been already.  - John Henderson
  • btw he's not a father of two, as Toby said, he's got just 1 daughter - Eva M
  • Одно могу сказать, жиды талантливы во всем, в любых сферах деятельности, и знать для них 3 языка это не сложно, взять даже Жириновского, он знает 4 языка. Хотя родился в СССР и живет всю жизнь в России - Виталис Кравченко
  • .. (Contd 3 of 3) side of things. Anyways, the impression was that the Clinic asked him to make an appearance, and the choice of the talk was a generic non-brand hour on "Russia". With his experience and better outreach to potential audience, the talk could have been so much more informative! He is a brilliant journalist that I feel CHOOSES to be unintelligible in his message and low-key in provocative performance.  - Konstantin Chebotaev
  • ... on screen, or immediately swerves away from factual, in-depth debates. Dodging bullets is his true talent, rather not one that should attract viewers to watch something really informative, judging by his Russian programming. Kudos to him for the rather sane leitmotif of "whoah, things are much more complicated than just the Russian aggression" during the initial hysteria of the Ukraine crisis coverage in American media, a week in there were dozens of American experts and journalists saying the same on TV, which frankly shocked me, I had next to never seen adequate attempts at looking at both sides of the conflict when covering Russian conflicts on American TV before. Yet, even here Pozner was first and foremost being himself: cautious, moderate, mediating and facts-deficient. Excellent journalistic skill to provide an information ground for possible opinion sharing, modest if not poor skill of challenging opponents so that the viewer could partake of a glimpse of the dry-and-cut factual side of things. Anyways, the impression was that the Clinic asked him to make an appearance, and the choice of the talk was a generic non-brand hour on "Russia". With his experience and better outreach to potential audience, the talk could have been so much more informative! He is a brilliant journalist that I feel CHOOSES to be unintelligible in his message and low-key in provocative performance.  - Konstantin Chebotaev
  • Array - Vladislavs Dmuhovskis
  • Another spectacular speech, maybe even more interesting than his speeches in Russia (maybe because US has more developed freedom of speaking (don't know how to call it in English)). If you like Posner, I strongly advise youth to find and watch his russian show where he meets with the most interesting and influential (but not always the best in the moral plan) people in our country! А теперь специально для русских: объясните дурачку шутку русских дипломатов про Адама и Еву, а то я ничего не понял:) - Максим Никольский
  • Holui - Irene Tsenter
  • With all due respect to the high level of his professionalism OF THE PAST, this talk is a content lacking, dragged out string of cliches on both American and Russian realities. The QnA, I am sad to add, was rendered yet less informative by the level of competence of the audience members (judging by their questions). Strong feeling of deja-vu of Pozner and Donahue programming, where housewives and office plankton enthusiastically swapped trivia of their cultural similarities and differences. He was great THEN. Are we paying him his well deserved honor, or do we want to hear solid analytics on the declared topic? Sweet mother Mary and baby J., this is 2014! There are dozens more bicultural journalists in Russia who could give you much more concentrated, objective and unbiased analytics oomph on both countries, who can stand their ground when cornered by field experts, or hurled sharp, multi factorial question at. Unlike Pozner, who is so adept at avoiding being challenged by true experts on screen, or immediately swerves away from factual, in-depth debates. Dodging bullets is his true talent, rather not one that should attract viewers to watch something really informative, judging by his Russian programming. Kudos to him for the rather sane leitmotif of "whoah, things are much more complicated than just the Russian aggression" during the initial hysteria of the Ukraine crisis coverage in American media, a week in there were dozens of American experts and journalists saying the same on TV, which frankly shocked me, I had next to never seen adequate attempts at looking at both sides of events when covering Russian conflicts on American TV before. Yet, even here Pozner was first and foremost being himself: cautious, moderate, mediating and facts-avoidant. Excellent journalistic skill to provide an information ground for possible opinion sharing, modest if not poor skill of challenging opponents so that the viewer could partake of a glimpse of the dry-and-cut factual side of things. Anyways, the impression was that the Clinic asked him to make an appearance, and the choice of the talk was a generic non-brand hour on "Russia". With his experience and better prior outreach to potential audience, the talk could have been so much more informative! He is a brilliant journalist that I feel CHOOSES to be unintelligible in his message and low-key in his provocative performance.  - Konstantin Chebotaev
  • he wants to change western altitude towards Russia and talks about ignorance of others while keeping his own dark altitude toward china... that is disgusting.. i watched many videos for this guy, i disagreed in some issues , but just now he lost my respect.. - Red Star
  • Well, some words about china and "retarded society" in iran (or whatever that was) were really bold in my opinion, but that's what i like, not just these soft and sweet speeches about how good it's all and we just don't understand their culture and mindset. I was wondering the way he explained all these complicated things i wasn't completely understood by myself, even being russian and living here. As i know he left the country not a long time ago and i can understand why, i would too if i could. From my point of view the disaster of russia is total selfishness (we call it egoism) and all other problems arises from this. Anyway wish to be better times here. И смотрю русских понабежало =) - Igo Ars
  • Mr. POZNER. YOU ARE RIGHT ON! - Mary Smith
  • Только что прочёл его книгу "Прощание с иллюзиями". Книга первоначально была написана на английском и лишь спустя годы он перевел ее на русский. Он действительно лет до 15 не говорил на русском. Отчасти это связано с тем, что мать у него была француженка, Жеральдин Люттен, и как только Владимир Владимирович родился (во Франции), мать увезла его в Нью Йорк, он рос лет 5 или 7 без отца в США. Русскому языку его никто не мог научить да и незачем это было. Так что его родные языки с самого начала - английский и французский. Акцента у него быть просто не может (вспомните, как по-разному сами русские говорят на русском) - Sergey Chizhevsky
  • True....I never feared an American... Too bad they build shelters to protect from me  - Mary Smith
  • Absolutely brilliant. - Andrew Panin
  • As a child I did believe I leaved in paradise. f.ed up ! - Mary Smith
  • Interesting discussion on the differences between the Russian and American People. - Kevin Blank
  • Not only that but also the Tatar occupation that never actually happened. - Ivan Boryagin
  • четко выраженного акцента нет, но это все же скорее произношение русскоговрящего человека - Maxim Golovlev
  • Wait a minute, weren't all Russians Slavs? I'm kidding although apparently that's where the English word comes from (a long time ago, it was common Germanic people to enslave Slavic people). But he's clearly equating serfdom to slavery. You're right, John Adams was the second president, although I believe Pozner wasn't actually referring to him, but rather his son, John Quincy Adams. In any case he's a bit off—J.Q. Adams was the sixth president. - Essess Nine
  • На всякий случай, если вы не знали, русский - не родной язык Владимира Познера. Детство он провел в Штатах и в Советский Союз переехал только в 17 лет, не зная ни слова по-русски. Так что для меня более поразительно его прекрасное владение русским языком, нежели английским. - Annylucidmind
  • Почему та женщина ненавидет Путина? Why that woman hates Putin? - The Russian
  • You can't win the argument, so you engage in personal insults, like all communists. - Robert White
  • Wow, I've finally stumbled upon a Pozner video in English. I've got to say I never liked this guy. But ya gotta give the devil his due: Pozner's English is really good. Also, strangely enough, his speech seems to be more honest here than when he speaks to a Russian audience. Although, if you want some genuine deep insight into Russian history, you'd be better off listening to Alexander Dugin's lectures than to this stuff. - ÜberMarginal
  • Подписываюсь под всеми словами, лучше, пожалуй, не скажешь - Alex Loewenthal
  • Describing him as a "Russian journalist and author" is not exactly correct. He is French by birth and, in equal parts, French and American by upbringing. He only arrived in the Soviet Union as an older teen. He himself has stated on numerous occasions that he doesn't feel as a Russian, and it is only his work that has kept him there for so long. - Elegua Augele
  • "A lasting symbol of the desire for peace and understanding among nations". I would correct this statement from documentary film at the beginning of the show to "desire for peace and understanding among Russia, Europe and USA. How can this man has a desire to make peace among nations while making China look dangerous and calling Arabs retards? Don't get me wrong but I don't get why Russians love him so much? It is because of his English? Or because of his "desire"? - bellagioporto
  • his speech is great, but the questions are quite retarded - VadiaFilm
  • Thank you so much for posting this video! This is perhaps the most honest and constructive speech/ lecture I have heard lately. - BergenToll
  • he didn't say that arabs are retards, where did you hear it? and China is really dangerous, we have to be pragmatic and understand it - VasilijM
  • Wow dude saying that Iran is America's problem and that America is #1 is so obnoxious, big headed, and superior-acting. - Mary Nolan
  • racist moron u r 2 - FU UMF'r
  • Очень чистый американский английский, с поправкой только на особенности дикции, которые у него во всех языках. - Евгений Кременский
  • Don't wonder! Watch the presentation one more time. Learn! - George Dukin
  • man, it's a waste of time quarelling with such idiots like him. perhaps, he thinks himself a some kind of "super-troll" but in reality he is just a moron capable only for insulting and primitive chauvenistic shit speeches. if you respect yourself, don't waste your time for him. he is incapable for maintainenace of a real discussion due to lack of intelligence. please, don't think all russians are like him. - mihanich
  • He also has a home that he built there and his children were all raised there too. - Heinrich Von Masterson
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